
BOISE, Idaho — The Boise School District has changed its calendar for the 2025-2026 school year.

  • Boise School District approves new 2025-2026 school calendar.
  • Summer school students will no longer have instruction on Juneteenth, June 19th.
  • Both the first and second sessions of summer school are 18 days.

Before, students in summer school would attend school on June 19th, Juneteenth.

Recently the Boise School District calendar committee voted to take students out of the classroom on June 19th to observe the holiday.

Jason Hutchison, Human Resources Director at BSD, says that one of the key reasons the committee previously decided students should be in class on the holiday was because it was ‘new’ and they wanted students to learn about the holiday’s importance.

Hutchinson says one student told the calendar committee that the holiday should be taught all the time, leading up to the holiday, and not just on the specific day.

Students are off on July 4th, during the second session of summer school.

With first-session students, going to school on Juneteenth this created an imbalance of school days between the first and second sessions of school.

Now students in the first session will be off for Juneteenth with second session students off for July 4th, both sessions are now 18 days long.