Columbia has a fresh round of funding available for organizations to promote Juneteenth events.
Similar to last year, Columbia Visitors and Convention Bureau will hold an applicant workshop to aid those interested in applying for grant funding. The city received $29,800 from the Missouri State Council on the Arts to distribute.
Residents who are interested in planning an event commemorating and/or celebrating Juneteenth in 2025 and who are interested in learning more about grant funding from the City of Columbia are encouraged to attend the workshop 5:30 p.m. Jan. 27 at the CVB offices at 300 South Providence Road.
Participants can ask questions regarding the application process and receive assistance to complete an application. Applications already are available through the city’s website to print and fill out. Paper copies also are available at Columbia City Hall, 701 E. Broadway, the CVB office and the Gentry Building, 1 S. Seventh St.
Applications can be emailed to JuneteenthGrant@CoMo.gov or hand delivered to the CVB office. Applications are due by 5 p.m. Feb. 14.