
Brighton, N.Y.— Tuesday marks National Voter Registration Day.

Events are taking place across the country, including on many college campuses, to get people ready for the Nov. 5 election.

Tuesday is also Constitution Day, celebrating the day the Constitution was officially adopted, replacing the Articles of Confederation.

To celebrate, Monroe Community College’s Student Government Association held an event on MCC’s Brighton campus, helping students get registered to vote in the 2024 general election.

“For young people, we know that a lot is going on in the world right now that we might be for, and we want to have the representation of young people in voting for what’s right for the future,” said Billy Simba, student relations senator for MCC’s Student Government Association. “We are going to be present in the future, so we need to make the decision for the future for our sake.”

The student-run organization also helped fellow students by answering questions about the importance of voting, voter registration and the use of turbo-vote.

CLICK HERE to learn more about voting registration in Monroe County.
